Bring Permaculture into your community... 

Warren Brush and True Nature Design facilitate dynamic courses that support sustainable community development in settings that include remote villages, broad-acre farms, suburban homes and modern urban demonstration sites.

These programs and workshops are taught worldwide and are uniquely designed to develop networks of support following the actual event. 

Topics for Courses Include:

  • Permaculture Design Certification

  • Introduction to Permaculture

  • Sustainable Vocations for Young People

  • Earthworks

  • Water for Every Farm (Home)

  • Rainwater Harvesting

  • Greywater Systems

  • Waste Cycling

  • Community Development

  • Sustainable Aid

  • Watershed Restoration

Permaculture Design Certification

Our Permaculture Design Certification Course, which is taught in a 12-14 day format, is designed to give the participant a thorough understanding of the principles and applications of permaculture in their lives and communities.  Permaculture provides a tangible foothold in developing your next best steps toward living a sustainable lifestyle. This coure can be taught in settings from remote villages to urban sites any where in the world. Our main goal of facilitating these courses is to give the participants tools to create lasting sustainable systems in their area and to prepare others to become Permaculture Teachers for their regions of the world.


For more information about how to host a course in your community, please write