This is an article Warren Brush was a lead author on for the Food Security Network. Link to the article here:

Here is a video from the Danish Refugee Council on our work with NURI (Northern Uganda Resilience Initiative) where we trained over 40 engineers in how to utilize road infrastructure to hydrate landscapes, recharge spring-lines and bore-holes, plant forestry systems for food, fodder, fuel, etc.. Here is the link:

From the closure of markets to the interruption of agricultural supply chains, the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to disrupt food systems around the world. Many families, especially those in already fragile contexts, may soon struggle to access healthy, nutritious diets. Meeting the needs of these families - where they are and when they need it - is of critical importance. Alongside food aid, cash transfers and other emergency assistance, the role of household gardens as a frontline food security intervention and longer-term resilience strategy must not be overlooked. Here is a webinar that Warren Brush was one of the moderators: